Report of the 1st meeting of the committee of ministers to follow up on the implementation of the Bahir Dar Ministerial retreat and issues arising from the email from the future 05 June 2014 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Rapport de la premiere réunion du comité des Ministres chargés du suivi de la Mise en oeuvre des conclusions de la retraite Ministérielle de Bahir Dar et des questions découlant de l’e-Mail du futur 5 Juin 2014 Addis-Abeba (Éthiopie);
Relatório da primeira reunião do comité dos ministros sobre o seguimento da implementação do retiro minesterial de bahir dar e questões levantadas relativas ao e-mail do futuro 05 de Junho de e 2014 Adis Ababa, Etiópia
(E=English; A=Arabic; F=French; P=Portuguese)
African Union
Union africaine
União africano
African Union
Union africaine
União Africano
African UnionUnion africaine
União Africano
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Report of the 1st Meeting of the Committee of Ministers to follow up on the Implementation of the Bahir Dar Ministerial Retreat and Issues arising from the email from the future 05 June 2014 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Conseil Exécutif Vingt-Cinquième Session Ordinaire 20-24 Juin 2014 Malabo (Guinée Équatoriale) Conselho Executivo Vigésima Quinta Sessão Ordinária 20-24 de Junho de 2014 Malabo, Guiné Equatorial