Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Report of the Committee of 19 on Assistance to the Frontline States
(Organization of African Unity, 1981-03)
The report of the committee of 19 reports on the mission undertaken to some Arab Countries, Scandinavian countries, mission to World Bank, UNESCO, FAO, UNIDO IMF,ADB to solicit finance and materials assistance for the ...
Progress Report of the Chairman of the OAU Committee of 19
(Organization of African Unity, 1981-02)
This is a progress report of the Chairman of the OAU Committee of 19 on the activities of the committee which was set up to help provide material and financial assistance to Frontline States who have suffered repeated ...
Report of the OAU Sub-Committee of 19 on Assistance to the Frontline States on its Mission to the Scandinavian Countries and International Institutions in Europe
(Organization of African Unity, 1981-02)
This report discusses the activities of the Committee of 19 on the circumstance in which the African Head of State deciding on the creation of the AD Hoc Committee on the assistance of the Frontline States.
Report of the Chairman of the OAU Committee of 19
(Organization of African Unity, 1981-02)
This is a report by the Chairman of the OAU Committee of 19, summarizing the activities of the Committee since the Thirty-Fourth Ministerial Council meeting.
Report of the OAU Committee of 19
(Organization of African Unity, 1981-06)
This is a report of the OAU Committee of 19 on the visitation to six Western countries to discuss the South African issues as requested by the Council of Ministers at its Thirty-Fifth Ordinary Session that was held in ...
Report of the 39th Ordinary Session of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa
(Organization of African Unity, 1982-07)
This is a report of the proceedings of the 39th Ordinary Session of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa was held in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, from 7 to 11 June 1982 to discuss the liberation ...
Report of the Committee of 19 on Assistance to the Frontline States
(Organization of African Unity, 1982-02)
This is report by the Committee of 19 at its meeting in Addis Ababa on February 24 -25,1981 to discuss the Committee's visit to Arab countries to BADEA and ADB to acquire financial and material assistance for the Frontline ...
Report of the Secretary-General on Decolonization
(Organization of African Unity, 1982-07)
This is a report by the Secretary-General covers the period July 1981 and discusses the continuing stalemate on negotiations leading to Namibia/s independence and a growing repression and intimidation in South Africa.
Report of the Secretary-General on Sanctions
(Organization of African Unity, 1982-07)
This report discusses the Resolution on Sanctions, CM/Res. 865(XXXVII) which was adopted in Nairobi during the Thirty-Seventh Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers, which called upon the Sanctions Committee to ...
OAU Committee of Nineteen – Assistance to the Frontline States
(Organization of African Unity, 1980-02-15)
Report examines the emergency measures taken by Member States to provide moral, material and political support to the Frontline States who have suffered repeated aggression perpetrated against them by the racist regimes ...